Saturday, April 28, 2007

We have a moose in our store!

The life and adventures of Whiticar, the Moose

Born in the Big Smoke, the young Whiticar showed a great sense of adventure early in life by traveling to Florida where he made many new friends. He knew his true homeland was Canada and he soon returned north to take up residence in the village of Balderson, Ontario.

After years of living with the kind folk of that village, faithfully keeping watch outside the Balderson Cheese store, one night Whiticar, the Moose went missing. He was later discovered badly bruised and beaten in a ditch. Restored to health, he returned to Balderson once again welcoming visitors to the cheese and chocolate stores. Then in the spring of 2005, some cruel brutes stole him once again this time breaking two of his legs and injuring one of his splendid antlers.

Whiticar, showing his true Canadian heart, bravely escaped and made his way to Tim Horton’s in Almonte, confident that someone there could help him get back to Balderson. He was right about that and he was rescued and brought home to Balderson once again.

Unfortunately, his troubles still weren’t over. His family there found they were no longer able to care for him. Now, not only did Whiticar need several operations to mend his legs and antler, Whiticar was now orphaned and homeless as well! A sad state of affairs indeed but happily Whiticar’s situation was about to change for the better.

Not far up the road in Lanark Village there was a spot that loved animals, especially those from the Canadian wild, a shop called the Nature Lover's Bookshop. Whiticar was invited to join a family there of forest animals who welcomed visitors coming to explore the natural wonders of the shop. He gratefully and tearfully accepted the kind invitation but he was still in need of extensive surgery to repair his injuries.

As it turned out, locally renowned auto body repairman, Jerry Dowell, was also a very talented moose doctor. Jerry agreed to perform the necessary surgery Whiticar to give Whiticar a new lease on life. To celebrate his regained health, Whiticar went to the Perth Fair in 2005 to tell his friends that things were finally looking up for him. After the fair, Whiticar traveled to his permanent new home in Lanark Village safe inside the Nature Lover’s Bookshop. He has been welcomed there ever since with old friends and new regularly stopping in to say hello.

So you see there is such a thing as a happy ending, after all.

What makes the Nature Lover's Bookshop so unique?

Do you love nature, birding, canoeing, stargazing, fishing, rock hunting, wilderness camping, cycling? Do you appreciate the history and the artistic talents of the Lanark Highlands in beautiful rural eastern Ontario? Only an hour’s drive from Ottawa, 10 minutes from historic Perth, Ontario and 25 minutes from Smith’s Falls, the Nature Lover’s Bookshop in the Lanark Highlands will bring you to a unique store that will surprise and amaze you. Come to the Nature Lover's Bookshop and explore the wide range of books, nature-related gifts, maps, games and puzzles to delight the adventurous or armchair naturalist and the outdoor enthusiast including huge children’s book section features science books, bugs, geography, mammals, junior astronomy, dinosaurs, and much, much (and we mean much) more! We also carry Lanark Sheepskin hats, mitts and slippers, the wonderfully tasty Glengyle Garlic feta cheese spreads, Paul’s Maple Syrup, Highlands Organic Honey and many other locally made items. Be sure to check our Events page for upcoming events and special visitors to the store.
Located at 62 George Street in Lanark Village, Ontario. Call 613-259-5654 (it is not long distance from Ottawa) or call toll free 888-270-2295 or email us at

Pay us a visit and be prepared to be amazed!